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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the minimum project size budget?

Our minimum project size budget is $5000 per month. We have found that this budget allows us to allocate the necessary resources and deliver high-quality results for our clients. By setting this minimum threshold, we can ensure that we dedicate sufficient time, expertise, and attention to each project we undertake.

What monthly budget do you recommend?

When determining the recommended monthly budget, several factors come into play, including your business competition, the cost per click in your niche, and your marketing goals. We understand that each business is unique, and our aim is to generate highly targeted traffic of exceptional quality while keeping the cost per click affordable. By analyzing your specific requirements and market dynamics, we can provide you with a tailored recommendation that optimizes your budget for maximum impact. Our primary focus is to drive valuable traffic to your business, ensuring that your investment yields optimal results.

Are you open to collaboration with other agencies?

Yes, we are open to collaboration with other agencies. We believe that collaborating with other organizations allows us to leverage diverse expertise, resources, and perspectives to achieve common goals. We value the opportunity to work alongside other agencies to drive innovation, address complex challenges, and deliver enhanced solutions.

Are you open for guest-posts on your blog?

Yes, we are open to guest posts on our blog. However, we maintain a strict standard for the content we publish, and we prioritize high-quality articles that provide valuable insights and engage our audience. If you have an article that meets these criteria, we would be delighted to consider it for publication on our blog.

Can you guarantee sales?

Ensuring sales is contingent upon various factors such as the quality of your landing page, the appeal of your products or services, competitive pricing, and more. While we cannot guarantee specific sales outcomes, we can assure you that we will drive targeted traffic to your website. Our expertise lies in delivering relevant, high-quality leads to your online platform. However, it is ultimately your website's responsibility to effectively convert these leads into sales. We can work closely with you to optimize your website's performance, enhance conversion rates, and implement strategies that maximize the potential for sales success.

How long do you recommend running Google Ads Campaigns?

Well, if it's a new Google Ads account and you never run before Google Ads campaigns, then the minimum period should be 3 months to achieve some first good results. However, please note, there are many different factors, that affecting on this, some businesses and industries are more complicated and take longer to achieve good results.

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