Case Study: Driving New Leads for Yacht Rental Through Google Ads

This case study illustrates Hamila Agency's ability to transform marketing budgets into tangible and rewarding outcomes for yacht rental businesses in the competitive rental industry.

Yacht Hampton Case Study

Project details

This case study showcases our success in turning marketing budgets into tangible, rewarding outcomes for competitive yacht rental businesses.
Project Date
Yacht Hampton
Google Ads

About the project

Yacht Hampton is a premier charter service provider in New York. With an array of beautiful, top-of-the-line yachts, the company prides itself in offering high-end waterway experiences in various regions including Sag Harbor, Montauk, East Hampton, Greenport, and Southampton. Since its inception in 2013, the company's mission is to ensure a memorable yachting experience for all customers while continuing to enhance their luxury yacht portfolio.

Project execution

Yacht Hampton needed a solid digital marketing solution to generate more leads and ultimately boost sales. They knew they needed a more structured and strategic Google Ads campaign but weren't sure how to make the most of this powerful platform for their unique needs. That’s when Hamila Agency came in to revamp Yacht Hampton's Google Ads approach and deliver better conversions with a lower cost-per-conversion ratio.

Our Hamila Data Engineering team knew a meticulous and targeted approach was essential. Here’s what we did:

Tailored Advertising Campaigns: First, we built an advertising campaign structure tailored to the specific cities and regions where Yacht Hampton operates. This allowed us to effectively allocate the advertising budget and maximize reach in the most important areas.

High-Quality Ad Creation: Next, we designed high-quality ads for each target area, focusing on what resonates with the audience. This helped boost Click Through Rates (CTR) and drive more conversions.

Conversion Tracking: We introduced conversion tracking so Yacht Hampton could collect crucial data on the success and efficiency of the campaigns, allowing us to fine-tune and optimize over time.

Retargeting Campaigns: We also set up retargeting campaigns to engage users who had shown previous interest in Yacht Hampton, nurturing leads and encouraging them back into the sales funnel.

With our thoughtful and comprehensive approach to Google Ads management, we achieved impressive results for Yacht Hampton:

We secured 335 conversions, translating to 335 potential new clients and business opportunities.
By optimizing the budget, we reached a cost per conversion of just $161 per lead, significantly reducing their previous cost per conversion rates.

This success story showcases our team's expertise in creating and managing a targeted, highly effective Google Ads campaign, helping our client grow and expand their customer base.

For personalized insights and tailored strategies to boost your business’s marketing efforts, consider scheduling a one-hour consultation with our experienced team. We’d love to help you achieve your goals!

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